Wednesday, August 28, 2013

secret creek

Took a walk down the creek with Mike and Trevor, found some mellow pools of water to cast into, pulled out a lot of little Cutthroat, no keepers. We'll be back.

Moving to a new hole.

Mike with the nimble cast.

Trevor and his eccentric equipment.

The spinner.

The pooch, Daisy.

It gets thick down there, best keep to the water.

Lots of life hiding in the cracks and crevices.

Water pump station.

Beautiful fish, we'll let 'em get bigger.

This little hole had some of the bigger fellas.

They're in there somewhere...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Large swathes of land adjacent to the Elwha River are exposed as the reservoirs are lowered. Some native grasses and trees are doing their thing, but there are also some invaders taking more than their share of resources. Reed canary grass seems to be leading the charge, so we apply herbicide.

The spray zone.

Glyphosate, courtesy of Monsanto.

Don't spill.

Three gallons ready to go.

PPE: sunblock, solar shades, nitrile gloves and long sleeves.

Wading through cottonwood.
Sam, givin' some.

JZ, style points on the raincoat.

Bending the reed canary grass away from the trees.

Elwha Dam canyon and natural regenerates.

Reed canary grass skeleton.

Natural willow tree regeneration.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Here's Johnny from Sunnyvale, California. Caught him ripping around the Leavenworth skate bowl.
"This is my third session, it just gets better, it just gets better!"